Page name: lonely & kinky People united [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-04-23 23:29:23
Last author: stranger danger
Owner: Lady Alexiel
# of watchers: 2
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lonely & kinky People united

Hello, my name is [Lady Alexiel].
I have a few simple rules.
One) No insulting anyone.
two) minimize the cussing
three) have fun.

Changing the Name so please Vote
To Vote Go To The Houses of
[Lady Alexiel] or [Darius Bane the Child of Lost Redemtion]
We are accecpting suggesions as well so there you go

Ok... [Darius Bane the Child of Lost Redemtion] is now an assistant. we are changing the nae of lonely & kinky people united to soething more medevil or something like that. please bear with us for now.

here is the link for the charicter page. just rwrite a bio or something to discribe your charactor.
charactor page

i shall try to get some badges up as soon as possible ok?

Oh... and if you do join please advertise for this wiki. we need many more to join.!!!!

1.[dendrite.] ehehe yes im lonely and very kinky >:)
2.[ll] im not all that lonely but i certainly am kinky
3. [SirKalon] im kinky and most times lonely
4.[Darius Bane the Child of Lost Redemtion] i am a lil lonley but can be rather kinky if given the oppertunity
5.[INFIDEL OF FEAR]alone & kinky
6.[Vampirian] I'm very kinky and alone more then 90% of the time.
7.[BlacK_HearT]always lonely, always kinky
8.[Pooty; Down With The Clown] whips and chains, handcuffs, smak yo little bootie w/ my belt, scream help... if only i had someone to do it with *sigh*
9.[Zornik]im aaaall aloonneee and aaalll kinky...mwohahahaha
10.[sonna cool na kimi wa plastic] angel eyes, devil mind....with other words: not totally lonely but reaaally kinky!! ;D
11.[Lord Balmung of the Azure Sky] Im alone and kinky all the time, but most prefferably kinky!^^
12.[Vampirian] Its fun to be kinky, but not lonely.
13.[stranger danger] I'm alone, but only a little kinky:)

Username (or number or email):


2004-06-22 [lohawefniwubf]: hi

2004-06-23 [Lady Alexiel]: hey Kiss wanna join my wiki? or just talk. oh and thank you other ppl for joining. i really apreciate it. :)

2004-06-23 [dendrite.]: holy hell i forgot about this wiki o.o

2004-06-23 [Lady Alexiel]: hm.... lol ok. cool. so having a better day?

2004-06-23 [Lady Alexiel]: Yay more ppl. thank you sirkalon. so how are you anyways?


2004-06-23 [Lady Alexiel]: lol. yup WEEEEEEEEE. so you wanna join? oh we also have Darius Bane if i can get him

2004-06-23 [Blackshire]: why not

2004-06-23 [Darius Bane the Child of Lost Redemtion]: Whee, a new message!

2004-06-23 [Lady Alexiel]: lol so shall we RP? thats one of the reasons why i made this wiki. its for talk and RP. itll be fun ill even set up a charicter page for it ok?

2004-06-23 [Lady Alexiel]: there its up. so just type away in there

2004-06-23 [Lady Alexiel]: BANE!!!!!!!!if i have to i will password protect this sucker to stop you

2004-06-23 [Lady Alexiel]: im going to get you i know where you liveXP

2004-06-23 [Lady Alexiel]: are any of you good at drawing banners?

2004-06-23 [Darius Bane the Child of Lost Redemtion]: and just how do ya know where i live huh?

2004-06-23 [Lady Alexiel]: 10 live only a few miles away from each other 20 iv driven by there 3) we're freinds i try to know where they live mwahahaha

2004-06-23 [Lady Alexiel]: ok william stop it or i will passwordprotect it.

2004-06-23 [Darius Bane the Child of Lost Redemtion]: ok then if ya know where i live then come buy one day before 3:00....incase your wonderin why 3:oo its because i might not be home buy then anylonger

2004-06-23 [Lady Alexiel]: hm.. your moving right? where to?

2004-06-23 [Darius Bane the Child of Lost Redemtion]: not sure if i am movin yet

2004-06-23 [Lady Alexiel]: hm... well you need to tell e before you do though. come on.

2004-06-23 [Darius Bane the Child of Lost Redemtion]: well i have ta find out 1st

2004-06-23 [Lady Alexiel]: oh ok lol that would help i guess. yes ppl plz go to Bane's or my house and vote for a name you would most like to have here.

2004-06-23 [Blackshire]: mmmmmmmmmmmmm

2004-06-23 [Lady Alexiel]: plz take the poll because if you dont and the name is changed to soething else that you dont like then your SOL

2004-06-23 [Blackshire]: ?

2004-06-23 [Lady Alexiel]: oh i was just putting that up there. sorry miffin.

2004-06-24 [lohawefniwubf]: hmmm

2004-06-24 [ll]: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAOW

2004-06-24 [lohawefniwubf]: ?

2004-06-25 [ll]: nvm

2004-06-25 [lohawefniwubf]: ...k

2004-06-25 [ll]: i do that sometimes. best thing to do is ignore it.

2004-06-26 [Blackshire]: ah cha cha cha

2004-06-28 [ll]: HAT CHA CHA

2004-06-28 [lohawefniwubf]: hmmm

2004-06-28 [Darius Bane the Child of Lost Redemtion]: hey stina whasie oop?!?

2004-06-28 [Lady Alexiel]: Bane i have told you not to call me that . not krissy kristy or stina. and a few others i have asked you to refrain from calling me. so please don't call me them. it would only be polite. so how is everyone here?

2004-06-28 [Darius Bane the Child of Lost Redemtion]: you never told me not to call you stina ok cause i jus made it up today

2004-06-28 [Lady Alexiel]: well fine i tell you now. DON"T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2004-06-29 [lohawefniwubf]: tell ME

2004-06-30 [Lady Alexiel]: tell you what

2004-07-01 [ll]: tell who what when where why?

2004-07-01 [lohawefniwubf]: ..

2004-07-01 [ll]: AAAAOW

2004-07-01 [Lady Alexiel]: im confused now. hello black heart

2004-07-01 [BlacK_HearT]: hello!

2004-07-04 [ll]: IIII jus got back from hospital!!

2004-07-04 [Darius Bane the Child of Lost Redemtion]: sweet feel any better

2004-07-05 [Lady Alexiel]: hello guys what was changed here?

2004-07-06 [Pooty; Down With The Clown]: I WANNA JOIN! lol

2004-07-06 [BlacK_HearT]: hi

2004-07-06 [Lady Alexiel]: Ok um well just add yourself if ya wanna join

2004-07-06 [Lady Alexiel]: um. darius bane is now the owner of this page i his asstant. he is asking you guys if it is ok to call it Red Sphix RPing

2004-07-07 [ll]: yeah i feel okay. bit sore though had 2 ops at once

2004-07-07 [Lady Alexiel]: what happened?

2004-07-08 [ll]: uh you dont want to know what i had removed from my body.

2004-07-08 [Darius Bane the Child of Lost Redemtion]: what did yous have removed from your body leafy

2004-07-08 [ll]: testicle seist and congenital inguinal hernier

2004-07-08 [Lady Alexiel]: uhhh sounds nasty

2004-07-08 [ll]: was. is. now i got surgical scrotum and lower ab wounds and half a shaved thatch.

2004-07-08 [Lady Alexiel]: um....*blushes* i think that is a bit TMI if you ask me. but im glad your ok

2004-07-08 [ll]: sorry ma'am *looks down ashamed*

2004-07-08 [Lady Alexiel]: *smiles* its ok its ok. talk about it i dont care . got a question for u's

2004-07-08 [ll]: shoot mate

2004-07-09 [sonna cool na kimi wa plastic]: hey guys

2004-07-09 [Lady Alexiel]: if you had two guys that liked you how would you decide which one to stay with?

2004-07-10 [ll]: find out which one actually loves you and is interested in the long haul

2004-07-17 [Lady Alexiel]: thats the problem they both are. and i like both and also one other guy

2004-07-18 [ll]: lol

2004-07-18 [ll]: thats quite a situation

2004-07-18 [Lady Alexiel]: yup but i fixed it. yay i fixed it im with noone again...oh shit that sucks so bad

2004-07-19 [ll]: how did you turn three people into 0 people?

2004-07-19 [Lady Alexiel]: i refused to choose *sighs sadly* its a very disturbing thing really. you sit there you have two guys saying choose them then you also have another who not knowing you like them. you say hi and they say bye. its very cruel you know what i mean?

2004-07-20 [ll]: mmm. damn.

2004-07-20 [Lady Alexiel]: make for myself.yes damn. but all well i have decided that life is more important right now. there isnt a guy out there that likes me for right now and so i shall just move on towards the future i se

2004-07-21 [ll]: thats a good outlook to take mate.

2004-07-23 [Lady Alexiel]: i thought it was and im being told i choose good.

2004-07-25 [ll]: ;)

2004-08-02 [Lady Alexiel]: lol now i wish i had not chosen because im soo lonely. :( all well they are all my friends and a least i have friends right?

2004-08-06 [ll]: yep! take it from experience, mate. friendship's more lasting than love and more legal than stalking.

2004-08-08 [Lady Alexiel]: lol.... i dont stalk but i have been stalk and its creepy to be stalked so i would never stoop that low and i guess it is better to just have friends cuz then you can talk to them with out worring about upsetting them

2004-08-08 [Lady Alexiel]: hm.. a lot of peopl have joined havent they?

2004-08-12 [ll]: lol not really no

2004-08-12 [Lady Alexiel]: more than i htought would

2004-08-13 [ll]: why's that mate?

2004-08-13 [Lady Alexiel]: because of the name

2004-08-13 [ll]: aye fair call

2004-08-13 [Lady Alexiel]: *nods then grabs some liqur* want some?

2004-08-13 [ll]: yup thanks!

2004-08-13 [Lady Alexiel]: *tosses you some* your welcmome

2004-08-13 [ll]: *catches and drinks five bottles before passing out and suffocating*

2004-08-13 [Lady Alexiel]: *revives you*i know not to let you drink that heavily again *wiggles her finger infront of you* bad boy*starts to giggle*

2004-08-13 [ll]: lol ok! *drinks four bottles and passes out but doesnt suffocate*

2004-08-13 [Lady Alexiel]: *sighs* men i give up...*walks away*

2004-08-18 [deleted, gone]: thats why there are women ; )

2004-08-19 [Lady Alexiel]: yes but i am kinda not sure i could ever do anythign with a wemon.

2004-08-19 [deleted, gone]: its all up to personal tastes and beliefs

2004-08-21 [ll]: I'm a men!

2004-08-21 [deleted, gone]: man? lol ok

2004-08-21 [ll]: mm! thas right!

2004-08-21 [deleted, gone]: hey, someone should type up top the name of the wiki

2004-08-23 [Lady Alexiel]: personal tastes and its not one of mine

2004-08-23 [ll]: yesh.

2004-08-28 [Lady Alexiel]: what the topic?

2004-08-30 [deleted, gone]: i was talkimg about puting the wiki name up top

2004-09-03 [ll]: yes.

2004-09-03 [ll]: you where.

2004-09-03 [Lady Alexiel]: hm... ok what ever my mind was not with me that day just render everythign i put void ok?

2004-09-05 [ll]: k

2004-09-06 [Lady Alexiel]: -dances in cirlces all bored like-

2004-09-24 [ll]: AAOW

2004-09-29 [deleted, gone]: yawn

2004-10-02 [ll]: AGREED!

2004-10-05 [deleted, gone]: how r ya? keepin busy?

2004-10-05 [ll]: mm hmm!

2004-10-09 [Lady Alexiel]: -pokes all- hello

2004-10-09 [ll]: lo

2004-10-09 [deleted, gone]: hi cries

2004-10-15 [Lady Alexiel]: -pokes all once more-

2004-10-16 [ll]: yap mie?

2004-10-20 [deleted, gone]: eeeep

2004-10-22 [ll]: peeee?

2004-11-06 [Lady Alexiel]: MEEEP!!

2004-11-06 [ll]: YES

2005-01-06 [deleted, gone]: noooo

2005-01-18 [ll]: opa!

2005-02-18 [Lady Alexiel]: coooooooooooooooooooollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

2005-04-23 [stranger danger]: If people here are so utterly lonely than why don't they do something about it-*smacks her friend on the head* My pally here keeps telling me to cyber with someone.

2005-05-06 [Lady Alexiel]: -grins - CYBER IS FUN!! but no one to do it with!!!

2005-05-06 [Lordterrex]: what are you talking about.... im right here... im perfectly good for cyber fun.... just message me and we can have sum cyber fun

2005-05-06 [Lady Alexiel]: Hehe.... i see... cool

2005-06-12 [ll]: it's better with animals.

2005-06-14 [The 5 Elements]: thats just sick *pokes all*

2005-06-15 [ll]: or dead people

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